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This paper provides on an analysis of the test-taking strategies that test takers used in the Reading section of TEM-4 (2005). There has been a growing recognition of the importance of gaining a better understanding of how reading and test-taking strategies are used on tests as part of process of construct validation: “the relationship between test performance and the construct, or ability, it is intended to measure” (Anderson, Bachman, Perkins, &Cohen, 1991). In short, as Cohen (1994) has noted, “in order to assess reading comprehension in a second or foreign language, it is necessary to have a working knowledge of what that process entails”. As Bachman and Palmer (1996) more recently have stated, “unless we can demonstrate that the inferences(about language ability) we make on the basis of language tests are valid, we have no justification for using test scores for making decisions about individuals…we must demonstrate that these inferences are appropriate for the decisions we need to make”. And recently, Chinese scholar had found that” The results have shown tentatively that there exist certain patterns of relationship among specific question types, reading strategies and reading performance.” (Zou, 2002). Consequently, it is important to have good insight into what it is people who take reading comprehension tests do in order to complete them. So in this paper, the main methodology will be verbal report. And a case study about the different test-taking strategies will be done between one high achieved test-taker and one low achieved test-taker.


Literature Review

2.1 Approaches to language testing

  Language tests can be roughly classified according to four main approaches to testing: the essay-translation approach; the structuralist approach; the integrative approach; the communicative approach. The essay-translation approach is commonly referred to as the pre-scientific stage of language testing and no special skill or expertise in testing is required. Tests usually consist of essay writing, translation, and grammatical analysis. The structuralist approach is characterized by the view that language learning is chiefly concerned the systematic acquisition of a set of habits. In this approach, phonology, vocabulary and grammar are often tested. The integrative approach is involves the testing of language in context and is thus concerned primarily with meaning and the total communicative effect of discourse. Integrative tests are best characterizes by the use of cloze testing and of diction. The communicative approach, sometimes links to the integrative approach is emphasized to primarily (if not totally) with how language is used in communication. In 1990s, Bachman pointed that communicative language ability consists of language competence, strategic competence, and psycho physiological mechanisms. And he thought "strategic competence is seen as the capacity that relates language competence, or knowledge of language, to the language user"s knowledge of structures and the features of the context in which communications take place." In a very long time, the reading process was seemed to be very much an individual, cognitive process. "Determining the effects of various abilities on test performance is ultimately an empirical question---that of construct validation." Bachman said. Consequently, it is important to have good insight into what it is people who take reading comprehension tests do in order to complete them. And in order to analyze it.

