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【作者】 李民; 陈新仁;
【文献出处】 中国外语
【中文关键词】 语用/语法意识; 语用/语法能力; 语际语用学;
【英文关键词】 pragmatic/grammatical awareness; pragmatic/grammatical competence; interlanguage pragmatics;
【摘要】 学习者对于学习目标的观念或意识程度会影响其对该目标的学习效果。本文着重探讨中国英语专业学生的语法意识与语法能力、语用意识与语用能力之间的关系。结果显示:(1)中国英语专业学生的语用和语法意识程度都不够高,但前者还是显著高于后者;(2)中国英语专业学生的语用意识程度与语用能力水平之间、语法意识程度与语法能力水平之间都显著相关。鉴于意识程度对语言能力水平发展的重要作用以及中国英语专业学生语用和语法意识程度相对低下的现状,本文提出,在英语教学中要重视对学生语用和语法意识程度的培养,从而逐步提高学习者的英语语言水平和语用能力。
【英文摘要】 The relationship between the degree of awareness and level of competence has always been a hot topic in linguistics. The present study examines the correlations between pragmatic awareness, pragmatic competence, grammatical awareness, and grammatical competence. Results show that Chinese EFL learners" pragmatic awareness is significantly higher than their grammatical awareness, and their pragmatic competence is significantly higher than their grammatical competence. It is also found that Chinese EFL learner...


