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        一、 要点齐全
        要点齐全是指考生的作文要写明全部的内容要点。高考作文评分细则对不同档次的书面表达的内容要点提出了具体要求:一档作文“明显漏掉了主要内容,写了一些无关内容” ;二档作文“漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容” ;三档作文“虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容”;四档作文“虽漏掉一两个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容”;五档作文“覆盖所有内容要点”。漏写或没有写清要点均要失分。因此,考生要想在英语作文上得高分,必须首先要做到要点齐全。
        为了避免因遗漏要点而失分,考生应在打草稿时围绕中心把要点列出。例如,2009年湖北卷书面表达应包括以下三个要点:1. 指出词语使用不当;2. 解释“无所事事”与“无所不为”的不同含义;3. 鼓励对方。考生应该在次基础上组织成文。
        二、 结构合理
        三、 表达准确
        四、 行文连贯
        1. 表时间顺序:while,when,then,first,at once ,next,after,meanwhile,since then 等。
        2. 表文章组织结构:firstly,in the first place,secondly, thirdly,last/finally, for example,such as,in other words, that is to say,however,on the contrary,what’ more,besides, in addition ,moreover等。
        3. 表作者观点、态度:in my opinion,to tell the truth,personally,in my view,as far as I’m concerned等。
        五、 句式多变
        学会使用经典句型是做好书面表达的关键。考生既要注意使用最常见的五种句型:1.主语+谓语;2.主语+谓语+宾语;3.主语+连系动词+表语;4. 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语;5.主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语。同时,还要学会灵活运用各种语法和句法结构,使自己的作文“卓尔不群”。 
        感叹句: It’s very important to keep a promise.
        →How important it is to keep a promise!
        强调句型: I lost my phone in the park the other day.
        →It was in the park that I lost my phone the other day.
        倒装句:We seldom know what is happening both at home and abroad.
        →Seldom do we know what is happening both at home and abroad.
        非谓语动词:1.He hurried to the station, but the train had left.
        →He hurried to the station, only to find the train had left.
        2.She went out, and some students followed her.
        →She went out, followed by some students.
        3. He wrote me a letter and told me what had happened.
        →He wrote me a letter telling me what had happened.
        使用各种从句:1.He came late this morning, and it made the teacher surprised.
        →What surprised the teacher was that he came late this morning.
        2.We are busy all day. Everyone knows that.
        →As everyone knows, we are busy all day.
        There is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life. Recently our school has carried out a program aimed at making our campus a safe place to stay on.
        I consider this as indeed a good practice, which will keep us aware that safety should always come first in our daily life, whether when we stay at school or outside it. When we are doing sports, we should attach importance to the safety and avoid being hurt. Furthermore, when we get into trouble with our classmates,we should remain calm and avoid any form of fighting, which may only bring suffering and pain to us mentally and physically.
        As far as I’m concerned, I feel all the students and teachers should work hard and creatively to keep the “safety at school” activity in mind. Besides, we are supposed to observe the law and discipline wherever we are at any moment.
        书面表达是主观题,人工阅卷,整洁的卷面、清楚漂亮的书写会给阅卷老师好的印象,从而提高阅卷者的“感情分”。因此,考生要卷面整洁,书写规范,字体工整,字母书写匀称,单词间距适当,大小写、标点符号正确,尽可能把错误降低到最低程度,这样才能确保多拿分或拿高分。英语表达时间的方法 英语表达感谢的句子 英语表达爱意的句子 英语表达时间 英语表达年月日的顺序 英语表达倍数的方式 英语表达观点的句子 英语表达时间地点的顺序 英语表达年龄的方式天助自助者后半句 天助自助者的英语怎么读
