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Characters make Destinies---the Comparative Analysis on


Characters make Destinies

---the Comparative Analysis on the characters of Jane Eyre and Tess



Being the representatives of the lower class at that time, the two well-known female images, Jane and Tess, have gained widespread attention. Though they both borned  in the same country and in the same period and suffered a lot , they’ve got totally different fates—Jane Eyre has established a happy family whereas Tess died in misery. No doubt, external causes have a certain influence on their life, but inner causes are the determinant factors, namely characters make destinies. In this paper, Jane Eyre and Tess’s characters will be compared and analysed as well as some factors to forming their characters, thus, the two immortal art images can be further  demonstrated and portrayed.

Key Words Jane Eyre;  Tess;  Characters;  Destiny


CHAPTER 1   Introduction

    Jane Eyre and Tess of the D’Urbervilles, two of the most widely-read classics , are the distinguished novels in English literary world. The two heroines are Jane Eyre and Tess respectively, who are born in the same country and in the same period but their fates are totally different. Jane is a short, obscure and ordinary-looking girl, but she is optimistic, independent, self-respect and self-confident. She struggles against all the unjustness, and peruses for the equality of personality. She has her own outlook on life and world. She insists on her own judgment and fights for truth and love bravely, and finally she gets the real happiness. Tess is a fine and very pretty girl, with a face full of expressions, but she is flabby, submissive, restrained and fatalistic. She lacks revolting spirit and she is narrow and limited. Though the difference existed, both of the two heroines serve as the new women images under suppression of capitalist society and it is worthy to sing the praise of such heroines.


  CHAPTER 2   Comparison of different destinies between Jane and Tess

2.1. Main plot of Jane Eyre



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