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In Search of Cultural Identity in Maxine Hong


In Search of Cultural Identity in Maxine Hong Kingston’s China Men



This thesis analyzes Maxine Hong Kingston’s China Men,In which the author expresses his aspiration for a culture identity, in means of restate the myth of Chinese American, their heroic epic. Kingston’s writing combine Chinese traditional culture with their true daily life in America, by using a great deal fable and mythos stories, legends, obscure words, in order to create their own culture tradition, and be treated as a member of the country. Kingston’s view on culture identity plays a great part in the history of Chinese American literature.

The body of paper is divided into 4 sections, firstly; I shed a light on the deep reason of silence; than analyze the necessity and feasibility of silence-breaking; following the Identity-seeking, at last chapter, I make a brief introduction of storytelling skills in this book. 


Abstract (Chinese)


The development of Chinese American literature and Kingston‘s dominant position

 Literature Review and the Writing Purpose

Chapter One: the stereotype of traditional Chinese and American

Analyze the characteristic of reticent and silent lies in Chinese,

Analyze the American characteristic: brave, free, democratic.

Analyze the relationship of culture identity and stereotype.

Then, come to a conclusion that characteristic and personality are a process of becoming rather than being, and that masculinity is socially and historically constructed. on this freedom land, America is not only a melting pot, but exactly a mixing pot of deferent culture,

Chapter two: Silence-Breaking

The reason of Silence: Ever since their emigration to the United States, Chinese

Americans have faced serious racial discrimination. Anti-Chinese prejudice, economic and social repression have never ceased throughout the history of Chinese immigration, To survive the hostility, Chinese Americans had no choice except for silence.(examples)

Impetus for Breaking the Silence: site some typical stories from the book

    Ways of Breaking the Silence: Language is an instrument used by western cultural imperialism to exclude or marginalize minority groups. Language also plays an important role in establishing one’s identity in a society. So, for the minority writers like Kingston, the appeal to language to break silence is a fundamental step to fight against the inferiority that is imposed upon his or her community.

Chapter Three: Identity-Seeking

    Identity Dilemma of Chinese Americans:

(The immigrants’ embarrassed situation between two cultures that deny them: their poignant efforts to search for home and identity, and their helpless and sensitive inner world)

    Seeking an Ethnic Identity

    Seeking a Gender Identity

Reconstructing Chinese American culture identity

Kingston, taking up her pen as a weapon, retorts those white-American myths and attempts to carve a place for her ancestors in the American myths-history.

Chapter four: Storytelling skills

    Rewriting Chinese Myths and Literary Classics

    Rewriting Western Classics and Myths

    Multi-Versions of Stories




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